San Francisco Mime Troupe, in cooperation with Z Space, presents:

A Red Carol

December 14 - 29, 2024
on Z Space’s Steindler Stage

Six people, telling the story, playing all the roles, in an abandoned industrial space.

This isn't your average, feel-good Christmas tale. But it was never supposed to be.

We all know the story: The redemption of a cranky miser at Christmas, a ghost story designed to let an audience feel good about themselves for not being heartless. But Charles Dickens wasn't trying to make people feel good, he was trying to show them a stark reality, scaring them into being more human. He wrote "A Christmas Carol" to shake up society, and with A Red Carol we are re-establishing his story as the revolutionary call-to-action Dickens intended.

With music, joy, and plenty of harsh truths about his time and ours, A Red Carol is the demand for economic and social justice Dickens wanted then, and we need now.

"People always think this story is about you,” Bob Crachit tells Scrooge. “But it ain’t about you, it’s about us - and how we let ourselves get infected with your ideas, your greed, your lies, it’s you steppin’ over the hungry and homeless and us following your lead, it’s us lettin’ you turn our government into a casino, listenin’ while you say day after day that profit is the new god, and us not standin’ up and shouting "NO!"'

“It ain’t about you," Cratchit says. "It’s about us.”

Featuring: A six person cast that includes present and veteran SF Mime Troupers:

Velina Brown; Keiko Shimosato Carreiro; Lisa Hori-Garcia; Brian Rivera, Jed Pasario
And featuring Mike McShane as Scrooge.

Musicians: Daniel Savio - piano, Guinevere Q − Bass,  Jason Young − Mandolin.

Featuring traditional music
with Additional Lyrics & Arrangement by Daniel Savio
Music Consulting by Bruce Barthol
Sound Design & Engineering by Taylor Gonzalez
Stage Managed by Karen Runk 

"A RED CAROL is a leftist's dream wish for the Holiday season, and every other day of the year. It hits hard at people who "weigh everything by profit,” (and) ruling class propaganda, and the idea that ignorance and want will keep the poor entrenched in the stations. Seasonal charity is a great concept, but SF Mime Troupe can't be satisfied with any trickle-down economics, Xmas time or not. Bravo comrades!”

Show Schedule

Saturday 12/14 8pm
Sunday 12/15, 2pm

Opening Night
Monday 12/16, 7pm

Friday 12/20 8pm
Saturday 12/21 8pm
Sunday 12/22 2pm (Masked Performance)

Friday 12/27, 8pm (Masked Performance)
Saturday 12/28, 8pm
Sunday 12/29, 2pm