San Francisco Youth Theatre Presents:

Fantasmitas: cinco sueños regresando al Sur

August 8 - 18*
in Z Below

*In Spanish with English Subtitles

Fantasmitas: Cinco sueños regresando al sur [Little Souls: Five Dreams Returning to the South] follows the adventures of five first-generation Latine youth, who have been separated from their families due to immigration policies. The children embark on an exciting journey in hopes of reuniting with their loved ones. They escape zombies and coyotes, and search for the mythical one-eyed giant monsters known as 'La Bestia.' Along the way they discover their own superpowers which help them during the increasingly complex journey. The play mirrors the real life experiences of many migrants crossing the southern border who dream of being reunited with loved ones once again. Fantasmitas is a play geared toward a multigenerational audience. It is full of comedy, suspense, and hope--the perfect story to enjoy with the whole family.

There will be a talkback with audience members after each performance.

Fantasmitas: Cinco Sueños Regresando al Sur, sigue las aventuras de cinco jóvenes latines de primera generación que han sido separados de sus familias debido a las políticas de inmigración. Los niños se embarcan en un emocionante viaje con la esperanza de reunirse con sus seres queridos. Escapan de zombis y coyotes y buscan al monstruo gigante de un solo ojo conocido como 'La Bestia'. En el camino descubren sus propios superpoderes que les ayudarán durante el viaje que se hace cada vez más complejo. La obra refleja las experiencias de la vida real de muchos migrantes que cruzan la frontera y sueñan con reunirse con sus seres queridos. Fantasmitas es una obra dirigida a un público multigeneracional. Está llena de comedia, suspenso y esperanza: la historia perfecta para disfrutar con toda la familia.

Habrá una conversación con los miembros de la audiencia después de cada representación.

Despite the show's heavy subject matter, it is full of comedy, suspense, and hope, and is appropriate for multigenerational families, including young children. Playwright Oz Jiménez’s Fantasmitas: Cinco sueños regresando al sur held its world premiere in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 2019 and was slated to embark on an international tour prior to the global pandemic. The fictional story was inspired by real-life stories experienced by Latine immigrants. Fantasmistas will mark Jimenez’s second play presented in the U.S, following Off the Tracks Theater’s production of Los Hombres Lobos Viven en Mi Closet [Werewolves live in My Closet] (2023). Presented in its original written language, Spanish, featuring English supertitles, the show is directed by SFYT’s Spanish-Bilingual Program Director Dyana Díaz. Performed by SFYT’s DREAM Ensemble as an all-Latine cast: Andrea Ramirez-Mejia (Acorazado Tijuana); Christian Jimenez (Word for Word’s Citizen); Guillermo ‘Yiyo’' Ornelas (The Travelers; Dirty White Teslas Make me Sad); Stephanie Barajas (I am Body; Chosen Fam); and the professional theatrical debut of 11 year-old, Genesis Ulloa. Fantasmitas seeks to bring in a new Latinx theater audience by telling a fun, fantastical, and familiar story in their own language.