Now for Now — Z Space
Now for Now

Megan, Mark, and Z Space present:

Now for Now

A Theatre / Dance / Multi-media Performance / Whatever-you-call-it (about really embarassing things)

July 9 - 26, 2015 at Z Below

"Intimate and as funny as it is radiates from the undercurrents of attraction, connection, resentment and need."
Robert Hurwitt writing in the San Francisco Chronicle

"Challenging, occasionally uncomfortable, very funny and quite moving...Individually, Jackson and Trout are extraordinary. Together they are—wow." 
Chad Jones,                                             

Now for Now is a multimedia physical theater piece created and performed by Bay Area theater makers Mark Jackson and Megan Trout. Three relationships between a woman and man a generation apart—a daughter and father, a student and teacher, a romance—are followed over 40 years. Their stories converge and diverge in dialogues, movement, IMs and Skypes. The piece explores uncomfortable, ugly, embarrassing issues about age and gender dynamics with both depth and humor. It brings together elements of theater, dance, and technology in a unique, ambitious way for a modest-budget production with high standards and aims.

Now for Now was a fiscally sponsored project of Independent Arts & Media.

After its run at Z Below, Now for Now was developed further and showed at Shotgun Theatre's 2016 BLAST Festival.